Safety is number one at BlueScope Steel. Across the Company, from our manufacturing and distribution sites to our offices, our focus is on Zero Harm.

Safety First
Safety is number one at BlueScope Steel. Across the Company, from our manufacturing and distribution sites to our offices, our focus is on Zero Harm. For over a decade, BlueScope’s safety focus has been on Zero Harm. The positive results are very evident where we have now reached a point where we incur less than one injury resulting in lost time for every million hours worked. These efforts have lowered the likelihood of injury for a considerable number of people. Globally, in the steel industry, our safety performance is cited as a benchmark and we are recognised as a leader in safety.
Tragically, in March 2011, we had a fatality at our China Butler operation in Shanghai when an operator, Mr Bao Jian Guo, was killed. A thorough investigation was undertaken to understand what happened and swift action was taken to prevent it from happening again. Our condolences go out to his family, friend and colleagues.
During the year, we improved our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR), further reducing it from 0.9 in 2010 to 0.6 in 2011. Our Medically Treated Injury Frequency (MTIFR) performance also lowered from 5.0 in 2010 to 4.4 in 2011.

There were a number of excellent safety performances and in some cases, new records were achieved.
BlueScope Steel Indonesia, Cilegon achieved 9 years LTI free. Lysaght Indonesia achieved 16 years LTI free. Our Thailand operations achieved 26 million hours LTI free. Lysaght Thailand achieved 1 million hours LTI free. Lysaght Singapore reached 1 year MTI free.
Butler Guangzhou achieved 6 continuous months with ZERO injuries. Lysaght China reached 1 million hours LTI free. Lysaght Shanghai achieved 5 years MTI free. Butler Tianjin achieved 3 years MTI free. Lysaght and Butler Guangzhou achieved 1 year MTI free.
- In New Zealand, the Hot Strip Mill team achieved 15 years LTI free. At Port Kembla, Mills and Coating achieved 2 years LTI free. Engineering, Manufacturing and Environment reached 2 years LTI free and the Hot Strip Mill at Port Kembla reached 5 years LTI free. Western Sydney Service Centre achieved 2 years MTI free.
- Western Port had three new safety milestones – the longest injury free period, the lowest number of injuries in a month and the lowest injury number in a financial year.
- Our Distribution business achieved 1 year LTI free for the first time since it was acquired in 2007. Sheet & Coil Processing Services achieved 2 years LTI free; Trade Coast Central, 2 years MTI free; and Fairburn Rd, Sunshine surpassed its best ever MTI free record of 698 days.
- The Queensland Logistics Terminal reached 13 months MTI free.
ASC Profiles, for the first time across this business, the team achieved 1 year LTI free and also achieved 4 consecutive months of Zero Harm – a new record.
North Star BlueScope Steel achieved 1 million hours (16 months) LTI free. Metl-Span, Virginia reached 1 year MTI and LTI free. BlueScope Buildings, Annville achieved 3 years LTI Free; and Arlington achieved 1 year MTI free. BlueScope Buildings Evansville attained 1 year LTI free.
External Recognition
Other noteworthy recognition for our businesses during the year:
- China – Buildings Guangzhou achieved the “2010 Outstanding Production Safety and Fire Protection Award” from local government.
- North America – BlueScope Buildings Annville, Pennsylvania site has been recognised by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) for establishing and implementing an exemplary safety and health management system.
- Asia - BlueScope Steel Indonesia, won the “Cilegon Mayor Zero Accident Award & Safety Committee Award 2010”.
- Asia - Lysaght Indonesia received a Safety Award from the Governor East Java for achieving 606,633 hours without an accident.