BlueScope Steel is a participant in the Federal Energy Efficiency Opportunities program. The program involves detailed assessments of energy use and the identification of potential savings at the Port Kembla Steelworks, Springhill and Western Port sites.
During financial year 2011, assessments were completed to schedule on a number of key plant departments that consume a total of 6.1 PetaJoules of energy per year. Assessed energy use included consumption of utilities and liquid fuels. To date over 99.6% of BlueScope Steel’s Australian energy use has been assessed under the program.
Each savings opportunity identified is required to undergo a thorough technical and financial feasibility assessment to determine its viability. A summary of assessments completed this year is provided in Table (1).
A number of plant departments involved in the EEO program have been impacted by changes to the company resulting from its withdrawal from the steel export market; announced on 22 August 2011. A review of projects and opportunities identified and reported previously in these areas will be undertaken during FY2012.
Further information on the Energy Efficiency Opportunities program is available here.
Table 1 - Summary of Projects Identified during Energy Efficiency Opportunities Program Assessments carried out in FY2011
Site/Plant Assessed | Number of Potential Energy Savings Opportunities Identified by Assessments |
Potential Energy Savings <4yrs* payback GJ/p.a. |
Port Kembla Steelworks Energy Services |
3 |
157680 |
Port Kembla Steelworks Services and Administration |
4 |
1175 |
Springhill Works Services and Administration |
1 |
1656 |
Western Port Works Services and Administration |
3 |
25292 |
* Pending confirmation during feasibility studies